Home Dietrics Glocalink Singapore invested in Dietrics, aiming to provide functional food ingredients that...

Glocalink Singapore invested in Dietrics, aiming to provide functional food ingredients that combat obesity


We are pleased to announce that Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd (GLSG, Director: Dr. Ravikrishna Ramanujam), has invested in Singapore-registered startup Dietrics Pte. Ltd. (Founders: Dr. Philip Demokritou, Dr. Ng Kee Woei, Dr. Joachim Loo). 

The team of founders are well-established professors in the field of food toxicology and biomaterial sciences. The initial research focus, jointly driven by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), was on fiber interactions with biomolecules in the gut and whether it carries any toxicological risks. As the study goes, the team of founders realized that a particular type of fibres, naturally found in fibrous food, processed to a specific scale, has the ability of reducing fat absorption by 36% in the gut. There is no change in taste, texture and formulation of the food. This gave light to the promising use of natural fibre ingredients in food applications for functional health benefits and combat global health challenges, such as obesity. Oftentimes, consumers are unwilling to compromise on taste, or to change a habit. The discovery of this ingredient has allowed for the ease of combating obesity without much need to adjust lifestyles. 

Joining the team is Ms. Yan Ting, with food science and business development background, complementing the team to bring Dietrics forward. In 2022, Dietrics won the Tech Planter Singapore “Glico Award”, organized by Leave a Nest. Since then, with the help of Leave a Nest and Glocalink, Dietrics has been fortunate to be connected to many multinational food corporations, looking at proof-of-concept projects with some of these companies. Thereafter, Dietrics have also won the “Better Life” category award, under the Start Up Innovation Awards, powered by Xtreme Tech Challenge and organized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation. 

With this investment, Dietrics aims to further advance the readiness of the technology through regulatory approvals in Japan, Singapore, United States, and other Asia Pacific regions. Together with Glocalink Singapore and Leave a Nest, we will continue to collaborate with Japanese companies. to create functional nano food ingredients that confers health benefits. 

About Dietrics

Spun-out of Harvard University (USA) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Dietrics is a food ingredient innovation company, focused on developing natural, sustainable and highly targeted functional food ingredients that improve global health, while still having our favorite food taste good. Their vision is to create a healthier world where we still get to enjoy the food we love, without any worries. They seek to create possibilities in highly targeted ingredients as part of the global food revolution. 

About Glocalink Singapore

Glocalink Singapore, is an Agri food-tech focussed investment company with a vision to solve the most pressing problems in food security & advance the future of food and agriculture. Glocalink aims to do this by supporting & investing in early stage startups with innovative technologies to not only solve local issues but can be further developed and implemented to solve global challenges.

For enquiries:
Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd.                                                                                                          
Attn: Ravikrishna Ramanujam

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Ms. Maiko Miyashita is in the Administration Division in Leave a Nest Singapore. She received her bachelor’s degree in Public Economics at Chuo University in Japan. Her interest is in social science. She is a state certified social insurance and labor consultant and has experience as a consultant for starting up a business for ten years. Her experience in previous jobs allows her to support Leave a Nest members by creating an environment to allow members to engage on projects to bring Advancing Science and Technology for Global Happiness. In addition, the experience will allow her to support the startup which tackles global issues with Leave a Nest group in the future. リバネスシンガポールの管理部門に所属。中央大学公共経済学の学士号を取得。社会保険労務士の資格を持ち、10年間のコンサルタントとしての経験を持つ。前職での経験を活かし、リバネスのメンバーが「科学技術の発展と地球貢献を実現する」というビジョンの実現に向けたプロジェクトに取り組めるような環境づくりをサポート。


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