Home News Announcement of New Director for Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Announcement of New Director for Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd.


Glocalink Singapore Pte Ltd., is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Ravikrishna Ramanujam (hereinafter, Ravi) as the new Managing Director beginning from 1st June 2021. At this timing, Mr. Kelvin Ong resigned from the position of Managing Director to pursue his personal passion & interests.

< Background>

Ravi joined Leave a Nest Singapore in November 2019. He has a Masters Degree in Biochemistry & a Ph.D in Life Sciences from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. During his Ph.D he studied intracellular signalling during host-pathogen interactions, using rice blast disease as a model. Prior to joining Leave a Nest Singapore, Ravi also worked as a Research Fellow at Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory for 5 years, where he studied cell fate specification using C. elegans as a model.

<Future vision>

Ravi is passionate about emerging technologies, innovations, entrepreneurship support  & impact investing. He strongly believes in making evidence based decisions and is always on the look out for innovative solutions addressing current unmet & societal needs which are not only frugal but also environmentally sustainable.

Professionally, his Ph.D. has helped him hone his analytical & problem solving skills, while his experience as a research fellow helped him develop stakeholder engagement, project management, leadership, organisational & people management skills. Having worked in a multi-cultural environment, he considers his ability to, communicate articulately, collaborate across disciplines & work cohesively in a team as his strengths.

His goal is to lead a team of like minded individuals to work towards promoting Glocalink Singapore as a front runner in Singapore for venture support and investments in ASEAN region, for Agri & Food Tech startups interested in expanding into Japan.


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Ms. Maiko Miyashita is in the Administration Division in Leave a Nest Singapore. She received her bachelor’s degree in Public Economics at Chuo University in Japan. Her interest is in social science. She is a state certified social insurance and labor consultant and has experience as a consultant for starting up a business for ten years. Her experience in previous jobs allows her to support Leave a Nest members by creating an environment to allow members to engage on projects to bring Advancing Science and Technology for Global Happiness. In addition, the experience will allow her to support the startup which tackles global issues with Leave a Nest group in the future. リバネスシンガポールの管理部門に所属。中央大学公共経済学の学士号を取得。社会保険労務士の資格を持ち、10年間のコンサルタントとしての経験を持つ。前職での経験を活かし、リバネスのメンバーが「科学技術の発展と地球貢献を実現する」というビジョンの実現に向けたプロジェクトに取り組めるような環境づくりをサポート。


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